Prevention of Congenital Syphilis
The STIRR statement on syphilis, "Prevention of Congenital Syphilis: Guidelines for Syphilis Screening in Pregnancy in the St. Louis Region" was announced at a press release on April 24 2017 with Director of MO DHHS, Dr. Randall Williams. The STIRR recommendation is for the testing of all pregnant women for syphilis, with repeat testing early in the third trimester of pregnancy and again at delivery for the St. Louis region. See the full statement for details:
Prevention of Congenital Syphilis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Provides overviews of all STIs, national epidemiology as well as state epidemiology for many STIs. Treatment guidelines available in PDF or via smartphone application. The CDC National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) Atlas is an excellent resource which includes surveillance data, including at county-level.
STD Prevention Resources (PDF)
National Network of STD Clinical Prevention
Training Centers
Offers training courses in STI topics as well as a free clinical consultation system for providers.
Mobile App: STD Clinical Toolbox
American Sexually Transmitted
Diseases Association
Publishes Sexually Transmitted Diseases journal and offers resources, including a web based science series.
Missouri Dept of Health & Senior Services: PrEP
Includes Pathways to Get PrEP in St. Louis, Capacity Building for PrEP Implementation, PrEP Provider Directory, and other resources for both providers and consumers.
MO DHSS PrEP Resources
Missouri PrEP Implementation Toolkit
Includes resources for providers and administrators. (Updated 8.23.17)
MO PrEP Implementation Toolkit
Harm Reduction Coalition
Offers capacity building assistance and free webinars, trainings, and publications on health issues of those impacted by drug use, including hepatitis, syringe access, and overdose prevention.
National LGBT Health Education Center
Free learning modules, webinars, and publications on LGBT health issues, including SO/GI (sexual orientation and gender identity) data collection.
National LGBT Health Education Center